Being the leader in Accelerator design and development technology in India, Geebee has successfully commissioned various facilities for Nuclear and Atomic Physics. Further these systems are now being tested for ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems) with huge demand for High current Ion Sources.
Through cooperation with our French collaborators, The PKISIS (Pantechnik Indian Superconducting Ion Source) with superconducting coils for axial and permanent magnets for radial magnetic field has been recently commissioned at TIFR/BARC. The PKISIS has the capability of achieving over 5 mA of Natural Uranium Ion Beam working at 18 Ghz with a 2.1 T magnetic field. This is the only kind of an ion source in the world.
Morever, Geebee has developed its own range of water cooled faraday cups and Beam profile monitors for use in Beam lines. Recently we have also begun studies on a 200 kV high Voltage platform for a 14.5 Ghz Ion Source bench. Geebee has been assigned to develop two beamlines to be used for Nano Implantation and Nuclear Physics.