CW and macropulse current measurement:
Single bunch charge measurement:
Innovative features in Turbo-ICT* and BCM-RF
A lower-loss alloy to transfer charge through Turbo-ICT up to 350 MHz, while core loss remains under 1%. Output pulse duration is 3 ns compared to 70ns for traditional ICT. The increased output amplitude improves the signal-to-noise ratio by 5.
Turbo-ICT is made with more than one core: 2, 4 or 8 cores adjacent or superposed in a single In-flange package.
Core windings connect with each other in series to increase output voltage or in parallel to increase output current.
A combination of series and parallel windings allows to control the Turbo-ICT output impedance in order to match the first amplifier input impedance to lower the amplifier noise.
Improved EMI/RFI immunity results from narrow-band transmission between Turbo-ICT and BCM-RF via a TVfrequency carrier.
Turbo-ICT amplifier and RF modulator are powered from BCM-RF via the transmission cable to avoid ground loop.
BCM-RF is essentially an RF receiver. with two modes of operation:
- Track-Continuous for CW and long macropulses.
- Sample&Hold for single bunch, with auto trigger feature.
Output is log of the beam current or bunch charge.
*Patent INPI 12/00667 March 6, 2012
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